
Area 60 is one of 93 areas in the General Service Conference of Alcoholics Anonymous (United States/Canada). Our boundaries coincide with the western half of Pennsylvania.

To facilitate communication and service activities, Area 60 is subdivided by geography into 44 districts. Currently there are over 840 A.A. groups that meet one or more times weekly in communities across Western Pennsylvania. Like all A.A. groups, each is autonomous.

Through voluntary participation in our general service structure, our groups combine resources to carry A.A.'s message of recovery wherever in the world it is needed and wanted.

Seeds of Service

  • Read the current and past issues of the Seeds of Service Newsletter
  • See upcoming topics and deadlines for submitting articles
  • Use the Virtual Ask-It Basket to ask a question to be answered in the next issue of the Seeds of Service

PCAW: Pre-Conference Assembly Weekend

Pre-Conference Assembly Weekend (PCAW) is an Area 60 wide event that all are welcomed and encouraged to attend. The program is chaired by the Alt. Delegate and includes:

Presentation and discussion of the upcoming General Service Conference agenda items..
Informative workshops and sharing sessions.
Guest speaker for the Saturday evening banquet.
Early-Bird and Night-Owl Meetings.