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Reopening Meetings Safely

As we move into the Green Phase of the Covid 19 PA Lockdown, many groups are wondering how to re-open safely. The following resources will be updated as we get new information.

Area 60 - Safe Reopening Information from Area 60 Delegate Margie S.
Reopening Safely Workshop
Questions for Reopening Safely from Area 49 SENY

Meeting Cancellations

If you know of a meeting that is cancelled due to the Coronavirus / COVID-19 pandemic, please email the Area Registrar at registrar@wpaarea60.org immediately and let them know.

Grapevine is here to Help

Due to the current changing health situation, many AA meetings across the U.S. and Canada are finding it safer to close. To help members during this time, we are giving everyone free access to most of our 2020 Grapevine and La Viña issues. Please share with your fellows.

Free Access Here
Delegate's Dispatch

Greetings Fellow Trudgers,
I hope you are all doing well and staying safe. Prayers and well wishes to all!

In love and service,
Your delegate, Margie
Area 60/Panel 69

Shared Experiencefrom Areas in the Northeast Region in regard to COVID-19

As follow-up on a request to outline the precautions that Areas, Conference, and Conventions are implementing to address COVID-19 concerns, short of cancelling, follow:

  • Understand and follow Department of Health/CDC recommendations (i.e. personal hygiene practices like hand washing, using tissues, hand sanitizer, disposable wipes, etc.)
  • Ask members to refrain from attending if they have a cough, or exhibit flu-like symptoms
  • Keep communication lines open regarding public health, or GSO updates
  • Avoid contact with people who are ill (for their safety as well as your own)
  • Wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds - if soap and water are not readily available, use hand sanitizer
  • Be careful to not touch your eyes, mouth, and nose, especially with unwashed hands, and
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or use the inside of your elbow.
  • Use large, well ventilated halls that offer more personal space
  • Suspend or limit food hospitality for the time being
  • Ensure hospitality tables, if used, are sanitary (i.e., clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces, particularly after coming in from outside)
  • Provide bottled water
  • Eat with utensils, not with your hands, and wash hands before eating, and
  • Avoid shaking hands, hugging even at meetings, refrain from holding hands during the closing of your choice (I know this is tough).
  • Avoid crowded public places, should the virus become more common in one's Area
  • Consider utilizing Zoom (or other tech-communication tool) for Service meetings
  • If you are susceptible, inform others that you must take extra steps to prevent infection, and
  • Our most vulnerable (i.e., people with weakened immune systems and long-term conditions such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, COPD, and organ transplantation, etc.) are encouraged to stay home as much as possible.

Please know that the above list is neither intended to be all-inclusive nor a substitute for specific medical advice based on a competent authority. Rather, it is a compilation of actions - gathered from recent experience - for your consideration.

Together we can,
Francis H. Gilroy
Northeast Regional Trustee

Letter from Area 60's Delegate

Greetings Fellow Trudgers,
I am going to bullet the issues below as they are all of great importance:

  • It is with great sadness that I must announce the cancellation of our Pre-Conference Assembly Mini-Conference Weekend (March 20th and 21st) and our Pre-Conference Assembly on Sunday, (March 22nd). In light of the rapidly changing situation with Covid-19(coronavirus) and the directives from the PA Dept. of Health we could not responsibly do anything else.
  • Please see the attachment below from our Alternate Delegate Jody K. on the details of the cancellation. There is important information included about refunds and rooms that you will need to read. I also ask you to send a word of thanks Jody's way. Jody with the help of our committee, did an incredible amount of work to pull this weekend together and make sure it would have gone on without a hitch and my heartfelt thanks go out to everyone on the PCAW committee and Jody's leadership in getting the job done!
  • The General Service Conference (schedule April 19-25th in Ryebrook, NY) has not been cancelled, but has been changed drastically. I will be attending the GSC from my desk at home via computer video conferencing. It will most likely be a modified schedule. This was recommended at a special video conferencing meeting of the General Service Board and the Delegate chairs last evening. An official communication will be coming out sometime today which I will forward on to all of you.
  • CORRECTIONAL AND TREATMENT COORDINATORS & DCMS—The Commonwealth of PA is not allowing anyone to bring meetings into the state prisons until this crisis is resolved. Please check with your individual County prisons. Gateway has already closed their doors to meetings in Cranberry, as has Butler Hospital. I have not heard anything about their other facilities. As situations evolve in your district please contact our Corrections Coordinator Dani at corrections@wpaarea60.org and Treatment Coordinator Nancy at treatment@wpaarea60.org. We also have a page for COVID-19 updates. Please visit our website at wpaarea60.org.
  • DCM'S of special importance too you is the fact that I still need to hear the group conscience of Area 60 to assist me at conference. I will be in contact with you under separate cover about how this will happen.

In light of major changes to our way of life right now, "Chin up! Forward Ho!" As Bill W. always told us, we don't need to live in fear. Be grateful, stay in touch with each other, use your phones and computers to carry the message, let me hear from you, and I will be in contact too! My gratitude for each and everyone of you is overwhelming.

In love and service,
Your delegate,

PCAW CancelledLetter from Area 60's Alt-Delegate

It is with deep sadness that we bring you the news that the 28th Annual Pre-Conference Assembly Weekend, including the Pre-Conference Assembly on Sunday, has been cancelled. The current concerns over the spread of the Coronavirus have required that we find new meaning in the phrase that I – and we – are responsible.

We are working on a plan to gather Area 60's group conscience for our Delegate to take to conference, whatever form conference may take this year, and you will be hearing from her soon with details.

Our treasurer will be working in the coming days to return your registration and meal fees to you. You must call the hotel to cancel your reservation so you won't be charged. This must be done at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to your check-in.

Stay healthy, fellow trudgers. We'll see you next year.

Peace, Love, Service... Jody K.

ONLINE REGISTRATION PAYMENTS: Note from Webmaster Jon M.: If you registered for PCAW online, your refund has already been processed and should appear in your bank account / credit card account within 3-5 business days.

Files and Links from GSOInformation from the General Service Board of Alcoholics Anonymous regarding the Coronavirus COVID-19