What is Bridging the Gap?
Bridging the Gap is a temporary contact program for individuals getting out of treatment or other facilities.
The concept behind “Bridging the Gap” (BtG) is as old as Alcoholics Anonymous itself — one drunk talking to another, each reinforcing the other’s understanding that they can find a way to face life sober, and build meaningful relationships without alcohol. In order to bridge the gap, AA members have volunteered to be temporary contacts and introduce newcomers to Alcoholics Anonymous.
In Area 60, the BtG Committee brings together the service coordinators and volunteers of several other service committees -- Accessibilities, Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC), Corrections, Public Information (PI), and Treatment -- in order to communicate and support each other in this vital AA effort to reach newcomers.
Bridging the Gap Resources

- For professionals looking for information (link to be created)
- For volunteer training materials (link to be created)
- For professionals looking for information (link to be created)