Cooperation with the Professional Community / Public Information

Members of C.P.C. committees inform professionals and future professionals about A.A.— what we are, where we are, what we can do, and what we cannot do. They attempt to establish better communication between A.A.s and professionals, and to find simple, effective ways of cooperating without affiliating.

A.A. Public Information has one ultimate goal, and it is the same as that of every A.A. group and every type of service work: To carry the message to the alcoholic who still suffers. But public information tries to reach the alcoholic indirectly, as well as directly, in two ways:

  • By informing the general public about the A.A. program
  • By informing "the third person" whose work is or may be involved with the active alcoholic

Why We Do It

Much of the Public has not had the opportunity to find out how the A.A. Program works. There are a great many misconceptions about A.A. in the public eye. Unless we inform the public, many practicing alcoholics may never find us. The PI committee is prepared to meet with any group of individuals that would like information about what A.A. is and what it is not.

"The Public" Can Include:

  • Students of all ages
  • DUI Classes
  • Senior Citizens
  • Church Groups
  • Neighborhood Organizations
  • Parent Groups
  • Health Fair Organization
  • Youth Groups/Organizations

Public Information - Cooperation with the Professional Community