Seeds of Service Newsletter

The WPA Area 60 newsletter is published quarterly by the Area Committee. It is for AA members only. The opinions expressed are those of the contributors and not necessarily that of the Area Committee or Alcoholics Anonymous as a whole.

Paper copies are distributed to DCM's at each regular quarterly meeting for redistribution to AA groups through their GSRs. A PDF copy of the newsletter is available below. It can also be sent electronically to DCMs and GSRs, if the Area Registrar has a correct email address.

Virtual Ask-It Basket

Do you have a question you'd like to see answered in the next issue of the Seeds of Service?
Please email (to and we'll print your question with an informed answer in the next issue!

Varieties of Big Book Study Experience Survey

We hosted a Big Book group survey for all Area 60 groups to complete that are a Big Book Study type of group. This is for an article in honor of the 69th General Service Conference's theme: "Our Big Book-80 years 71 Languages", and we wanted input from AAs across western PA.

Write for the Newsletter!

You can see the upcoming topics/themes with due dates in the latest issue of the newsletter.

Suggested text length is 150 to 300 words. Artwork should be black and white, less than half a page (3x5 inches), and 300 dpi (dots per inch). Material should be generally relevant to the theme, and may be edited for clarity and length. All material submitted on time is reviewed, selected by topic, and may appear, based on available space. The newsletter does not publish song lyrics, tributes to individuals, prayers, plays, or anything unrelated to AA or that violates the principles of AA.

Please include your first name and last initial, district, and home group.

Send submissions via email to


Julia I
Carnegie, PA

Previous Newsletters